The following issues have been fixed in Update 3.1:

Issue key Issue id
4076 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - 2D planweergave met snijvlak door boog of afschuining is slecht
4201 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - VW 2019: Window with chamfer does not create correct top/ Plan
6692 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Materials and nested resources do not get imported in resource folders
8645 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - VW2023 SP4 - Interior Joinery Handle 90 grade as standard value
8772 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Material seems to be one setting for both tools
8817 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Function Opening direction does not return correct values for sections
9025 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Trim pocket door wraps itsel aroung the whole wall opening
9088 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Worksheet function =Volume('subpart=sill';'type=...') doesn't exclude other sill types
9807 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Empty fields by the Sill
10099 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Sections: fixed window has opening direction options
10109 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Sectional door frame2 width cannot be edited
10120 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Styled object can exceed locked width when inserted with Line mode
10169 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - VW2023 SP6 and VW2024SP1 - Dialog box shows settings in white
10280 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - General Label: Opening Exterior Width value is not correctly calculated
10281 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - reference altitude joinery
10353 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Exterior Joinery - improper 2D symbol
10377 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - DEWD - Edit status command does not affect OIP
10382 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - DEWD - Corner window and W11 wrapping creates additional 2D object
10383 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - DEWD - Fire Resistance class type is not visible
10395 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - DEWD - Tool returns wrong subframe dimensions
10403 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Chamfered window: 2D wall opening is always shown at its maximum extend
10404 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Crash when moving objectstyle to wall
10757 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - 2D view for an object with corners is incorrect
10826 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Sliding content: the field to change tht thickness of the section frame should be greyed out
10854 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Handels break glass position preview
10857 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Sill depth doesn't return the correct value in a worksheet
11226 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - impossible to combine lintels and roller shutters
11250 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Path of Slat will be visible in drawing when canceling the dialog.
11288 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Incorrect display of a window when converting a basic wall closure to an advanced one
11341 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Wall closure breaks graphical legend
11358 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Int Joinery - no components in GA apart from indications
11375 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Opening a specific file makes a Vectorworks with the DEWD plug in crash while updating a reference
11388 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Changing position via OIP makes Vectorworks hang
11403 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Round window fails
11407 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - When modifying a window, and more specifically the Energos values in that window, the changes are not reflected in the window sc
11421 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Issue with Grouping Windows by ID in the Window Schedule
11424 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - fire rating
11425 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - wrong sync between fields of energos in the window shedule
11426 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - field project window
11428 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - opening direction not shown in window sheduel 2025 update 2
11440 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - "=Depth('subpart=sill';'exterior')" returns the height in stead
11441 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Section with a handle creates wrong geometry
11442 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - window shedule translation
11448 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Function "=OBJECTDATA('has railing')" doesn't work
11449 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Crash when opening the file on a Mac
11459 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - "Profieltegel buiten" niet bereikbaar in dialoog
11462 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - line in a sill with a slope of 0°
11463 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Part of the inner wall does not disappear with corner windows when the option “Extend opening at bottom” is selected.
11472 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Cavity batten (beta) with wrong settings generates a white polygon in front of window
11476 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Lintels remove rolling shutter
11478 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Handle preview does not update itself correctly
11479 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Muntins becomes asymmetrical when DEWD object is changed
11492 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Concave corner creates incorrect 2D geometry
11495 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Can not open a file from 2024in the dutch version of 2025 on a Mac
11513 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Applying standard relocates glass in section
11353 Cesyam plug-ins - Vectorworks Crash Caused by CE_PathPIM.vwlibrary Plugin
11139 Computerworks plug-ins (VW2025 Testing) - [ARCH] TEST Furniture Configurator: Export options hidden in the web palette wich Displays "Import" by default
11039 DE others - [ARCH] TEST Cabinet - editing the cabinet only via info palette
11434 DE others - On mac Teamviewer app doesn't have the Design Express contact information
11467 DE others - DE-Kast - Plinth texture not applicable via the OIP Render tab.
7937 Libraries - three different classes for tags of Plant Tools
8133 Libraries - Space styles: outline label fields look odd
8226 Libraries - Class description not translated in Librairies
9081 Libraries - Library document "Mensen 2D" in folder "Mensen 2D" contains 3D symbols
9710 Libraries - Title block - library resources have unlinked parameters
11379 Libraries - Curb insertions libraries
5918 Translation - Link between plant record and IFC data doesn't work in localized version
9471 Translation - DE-EP - some functions are not translated in worksheets
9771 Translation - Classes of styled US windows/doors added in English (FR)
11412 Translation - Typo in Preferences > Algemeen > Herstel aanzicht...
9556 VECTORWORKS - translation Graphic Legend
10878 VECTORWORKS - Importing IFC shows error in some objects
11339 VECTORWORKS - Braceworks: Report generated PDF shows link errors
11342 VECTORWORKS - Soft goods from old files are unuseable in VW 2025
11453 VECTORWORKS - Pavement transparency
11477 VECTORWORKS - Changing Shortcuts brings menu commands in English within workspace
11480 VECTORWORKS - Layher Plugin: Please add the rotation value to the Red Cone when importing a missing object from WinDec
11481 VECTORWORKS - Vectorworks EN, English menu SP2
9806 Vectorworks App - Equipment List - some data not translated
11429 Vectorworks App - After editing workspace some nomes are in ENG
11484 Vectorworks App - Customizing workspace gives English commands
VB-209507 KLS: Space objects very slow since VW2025. Memory leak -- big performance issue.

The following issues have been fixed in Update 3:

Issue key Issue id
VB-74594 Section VPs -Combination of Render Modes and Projection Setting Produces Error
VB-134362 Projection "Oblique Cavalier" not working with Section Viewports
VB-142819 Section Viewport doesn't support Oblique Projection and OpenGL
VB-163825 Export to MVR is taking over 40 minutes
VB-174714 Problem importing IFC
VB-176693 Link between plant record and IFC data doesn't work in localized version
VB-178152 Spotlight: Export to MVR fails = Your system has run out of application memory
VB-179399 VS Concat() fails under very specific conditions
VB-182524 Data Sheet: Popup Default Value overrides the detault value of a different Data Sheet
VB-185506 Switching space label that is created using Objects from shapes causes object to shift in rotate plan
VB-190092 Renderworks export path animation stalls on frame
VB-190306 Color of Space doesn't get exported when the Color is defined by the Class
VB-191250 Sample device connectcad
VB-191392 Lighting Device Emitter Part out of alignment when tilt applied
VB-191888 KLS: Window based on symbol displaced on export IFC 2x3
VB-193964 VW Freezes when Generating Path Animation in Redshift Exterior Fast/Final
VB-194617 Site model update freeze on specific file
VB-196031 Strange behavior with Solibri Inside and Class/Layer Visisbiltes
VB-196068 T02412: Vertical alignment of text with superscript numbers
VB-196332 Object Info Palette - Render Tab: Texture controls are disabled for multiple selected wall (slab, or roof) components if a texture group is selected before the components.
VB-196608 No holes in the wall after IFC import
VB-197060 T02345 - Door Handing Widget Shows in All View Panes When Multi-View is Enabled
VB-197588 Python script not running as it did in 2023
VB-199951 Spoil Pile Site Modifiers Show Incorrectly
VB-200413 Grade limits causes problems with spoil piles on site models.
VB-200546 SIte model crashes when updated
VB-200698 Site model does not display properly when using spoil pile modifier.
VB-201717 Unable to run report on Hardscapes
VB-201785 Data Tag: The Preview of the newly created symbol isn’t correct in the Resource Manager
VB-201828 Grayed class shows as black in PDF export
VB-201843 Site Model: Extruded contour is not created on elevation which coincides with Pad elevation
VB-201883 IFC4, cant add CustomPset to IfcCovering of Columns
VB-201892 A grade limit inside a grade limit creates holes in the site model surface
VB-202580 An inner grade limit creates holes in the site model
VB-202641 RedShift Rendering, memory error when using the bucket update mode.
VB-202821 Auto Hybrid missing lines in 2D
VB-203013 Space orientation changes after editing Boundary if Space was made from Create Objects from Shapes
VB-203510 Data Manager: record mapping for new fields
VB-204464 T02425 - add wrapping of the edge modifiers for the end edges of the curb
VB-204507 Lighting Accessories Offset Locus workflow
VB-204532 VW crashed by saving if I activate "save VGM graphics cache"
VB-205017 Hardscapes Lose Their By-Instance Components When Style is Replaced
VB-205162 3D display issues when using grade limits within grade limits.
VB-205174 Crash in TMutCopierHandle::Dispose
VB-205179 *T02520 - VW Crashes after Enabling Clip Cube when Drawing Window is Rendered in Hidden Line within Test File
VB-205706 T02425 - Curb does not follow hardscape
VB-205719 Performance Degradation in 30.0.0 Beta: Customer Feedback and Internal Verification
VB-205732 Vectorworks Referencing - Alignment issues with Rotate Plan
VB-205801 Importing IFC shows error in some objects
VB-205866 T02425 - Associative Curb not correct in 2D
VB-205930 Export DXF/DWG:RaiseException
VB-206340 Data Manager - Class based mapping - Symbols miss class(Layer)
VB-206341 Data Manager - Symbol based mapping - Symbols miss class(Layer)
VB-206490 DT: Data Tag does not write into IFC fields (without mapping), if it's empty
VB-206617 Modifier Spoil Pile is not working correctly
VB-206722 Export IFC exports Objects in hidden referenced Design Layer Viewports
VB-206813 Space objects are unable to be created when in Rotated plan
VB-206882 Flipped Extrudes rendering incorrectly in Section Viewports
VB-206997 Install Partner Products command needs copyright date updated
VB-207030 Worksheet criteria that includes '-1' cannot be edited with UI
VB-207052 Hidden class becomes visible in section viewport, remains hidden in normal VP
VB-207109 The triangle pointing of Custom Cabinet is inverted. *Japanese version and Mac version only
VB-207183 Symbol not displaying in section
VB-207188 Project Sharing: "Save as..." should never be available
VB-207252 Landscape Area Changes to Negative Elevation when File Opens in VW2025 (Not consistent with VW2024 SP7)
VB-207256 Create Stage Custom Textures on creation
VB-207262 Hyperlink Edit does not retain info
VB-207333 Publish PDF as separate files fails due to Sheet Layer name
VB-207341 Curb Tool - Curb Doesn't Generate properly using "Create Objects from Shapes" Command
VB-207343 Converting a truss object to a symbol that has "Draw 3D Only" checked removes all records.
VB-207347 Redshift spot lights with realistic falloff are 100x too bright
VB-207392 Section geometry wrong/missing lines on walls
VB-207433 T02370 Showcase - Gobo/Color/Shutter/Spread overrides not working with fields from OIP
VB-207453 Class Vis Changes Made on Design Layer Don't Update Objects on Sheet Layers
VB-207593 Equipment List - some data not translated
VB-207614 Edit Texture Metallic Reflectivity has wrong values
VB-207627 Splash Screen/About Dialog don't show the VW update number
VB-207634 Spotlight: Obj Info field text roll over is truncated
VB-207646 Some Custom Renderworks Lighting options don't save after pressing OK to exit the dialog
VB-207681 Truss Objects Get Created in the Wrong Direction When Distributed Insertion Mode is Used
VB-207692 Door and Window Tool - Align Object Left, Center, and Right Modes: Preview incorrect
VB-207697 Find and Modify no value
VB-207710 DWG Import gives broken NURBS - SAT import issue
VB-207719 EvergreenConnect: State change crashes Vw
VB-207759 Data visualization doesn't work on roof components
VB-207768 Create Detail section viewport should not have Wireframe option
VB-207786 Spotlight Cable Tools crash when connecting distributors using OIP input pulldown
VB-207803 room fish space , wall number
VB-207809 Pipe and Drape Snapping
VB-207811 Hardscape "Overall Texture" Parts Fail to Show Class in Attributes List Browser
VB-207813 Hardscape Attributes List Browser Shows Border Component Info Incorrectly
VB-207816 T02293 - Door and Window Assembly, Interactive insertion on wall don't highlight correctly
VB-207828 Landscape Area not displaying correctly in 2D
VB-207829 CW - Cable Tool - Trim High
VB-207835 Pen Color on text can only be edited once
VB-207838 Landscape Area - Plant cloud fill defaults to black instead of white
VB-207859 CPS_Lighting Pipe_change color
VB-207861 CPS_Lighting Pipe Style_Insert with resource Manager
VB-207872 GIS: Geolocate tool ArcGIS logout makes VW hang
VB-207876 Datamanager - Datasheet field validation doesnt work when default value is used
VB-207887 *Vectorworks crashes when try to create a new file while editing a dimension.
VB-207889 Hidden Line Render Bug
VB-207905 Datamanager - Data sheet field validations override record default values
VB-207908 T02370 Showcase - Shaded gobo rotation is rotating the light which negatively effects Showcase
VB-207912 Visability Command in 20224 -> 2025 conversion not working
VB-207914 Changing a Viewport's Projection Through the Viewport Tab/Page of the Organization Dialog is Broken
VB-207928 CPS_Soft Goods Tool Preferences_always pounds
VB-207929 SBE: Objects change their UUID when dragged into a wall
VB-207932 T02293 - Crash while creating Assembly using Interactive mode. Windows only
VB-207934 Spotligtht Video Tools: Blended screen adjusting projector does not work in localized version
VB-207938 Data viz auto-color fails to populate single entry set
VB-207947 Data Visualisation does not update even though referenced Excel data is applied to the Vectorworks DB worksheet
VB-207951 Spotlight Power Diagram : wrong phase repartition
VB-207952 Graphic Legend: some Door disappears using a custom Data Tag in Annotation.
VB-207969 T02293 - Adding stool to the Window creates huge Nosing depth
VB-207973 T02293: Entering Edit Layout Mode via Redo leaves Selection Tool selected.
VB-207978 Hide Objects (Show Objects Ghosted Option) does not work in Edit Section In Place.
VB-207988 Truss Tool & Resource Selector
VB-207995 Project Sharing: “This operation will require the following objects to be checked out….” dialog displays twice if you update the viewport
VB-207998 ConnectCAD - Create Panel View does not attach mapped record
VB-208002 DWG Export of Graphics Legend - classes visibility needs better handling
VB-208015 T02293 DWA Creation Palladian Window - Typ
VB-208023 Text in a Data Visualization Legend has a fill that makes it illegible
VB-208029 When using a Hardscape with a Flagstone or Paver Joint Pattern Overlay, setting the Joint Pattern Size X or Y to 0 will cause a stall/crash
VB-208030 T02293 - Assembly Unit object OIP dropdown "Unit Object Type" does not change the unit type
VB-208059 Migration goes wrong
VB-208062 Window Preferences, Settings, and Style Dialogs: "General" Group Box Overlaps Preview Column of Controls
VB-208069 Read Only Record gets unlocked when imported to a file.
VB-208075 Set Custom Perspective dynamic preview doesn't always work when starting from an orthogonal view.
VB-208098 *Crash upon creating power schematic
VB-208104 Update Viewport icon glitch in Navigation palette
VB-208113 PDF export regression. Embedded PDF does not export.
VB-208114 ConnectCAD: Equip Rack wrong group
VB-208115 Soft goods from old files are unuseable in VW 2025
VB-208116 Braceworks: Report generated PDF shows link errors
VB-208124 T02293 - Window object should have frame controls disabled when the window is in an Assembly with the "Use unit provided frames" option *not* checked
VB-208129 Stair object gives geometry error
VB-208136 IFC elements inside a symmetrized symbol are not symmetrized
VB-208137 Locate Symbole in Resource Manager doesn't use Accent Color
VB-208143 Data Sheets not visible in Object Info Palette
VB-208167 Hardscape: component without fill displayed in black in 3D
VB-208179 datavisualization doesn't work with mapped ifc psets
VB-208185 Runtime check failure in resource manager code on startup
VB-208188 Showcase Render Settings Reset after Applying a Different Background Render in the Viewport
VB-208193 When editing a list such as Space Name in the Space Tool, re-editing is no longer possible after the item has been added to the active document.
VB-208207 Aligned Hardscape Segments Can't be Reverted During Object Creation in VW 2025, Must Redo Entire Drawing Sequence
VB-208216 When using a hatch overlay for a hardscape, the pen should be disabled
VB-208217 Pen attributes for overlay should not affect the outer edge of the hardscape
VB-208218 "Not Supported Mode" pop-up help does not display on sub-mode buttons (Mac only).
VB-208223 Click on use column in Replace truss window crashes VW
VB-208227 KLS: Spotlight Find and Modify is not fully to localize
VB-208236 T02293 DWA: Door and window show frames in DWA with "Use unit provided frames" deselected.
VB-208240 T02293 DWA Transom removal is incomplete
VB-208243 Investigation into Missing Graphics Data in Latest Product Version - VW Design Suite 2025
VB-208245 Flyover interactive origin moves when zoomed in while editing a symbol
VB-208257 Converted File to VW25 Datavisualization Slab failed
VB-208276 Objects in Section Viewports getting drawn with wrong attributes
VB-208279 PDF inserted in sheet layer does not export
VB-208291 Hardscape Projected area and surface area doesn't exclude holes
VB-208292 ISDK::ConvertToNURBS() is failing during file translation
VB-208297 Export IFC 2x3: crashes Vectorworks (this file only)
VB-208308 T02293 - Lintel Objects Get Created with Corrupted Geometry in Some Cases
VB-208313 Crash drawing Door/Window using interactive mode in Update 3
VB-208316 T02370 Showcase - Fix RGB vs BGR issues in LightMaskFactory shaders
VB-208318 T02370 Showcase - Conventionals have RGB and BGR swapped
VB-208324 Worksheet Functions Displaying based on Document Length Unit Precision.
VB-208332 IFC4 - IfcWall - false Height in Qto's with Export Options
VB-208335 IFC4 - IfcSlab "name" is not addressable when Export Options are used
VB-208336 IFC4 - IfcSlab Components exported in wrong order with Export Options
VB-208338 Hardcoded strings in Revit Import dialog
VB-208342 Object Visibility criteria not recognizing 'search within groups' disabled
VB-208343 T02293 DWA the Stool should not extend under the Frame
VB-208345 Vectorworks Crash when deleting link to referenced file
VB-208346 Tool set icon's can't be updated
VB-208347 Spotlight Braceworks error message wrong spelling
VB-208359 Curb - slow generation of 2D symbol geometry
VB-208362 Revit Import: Saved sets settings are not saved correctly and they aren't shown in the Manage sets dialog
VB-208395 Space: Edit Number Combinations keeps adding one more #Space#
VB-208419 Section Viewport: walls with same filling but not looking the same
VB-208447 Snapping Point outside the symbol with plan rotation
VB-208454 Add NBS Chorus menu item
VB-208462 T02370 Showcase - Shutters and Gobos only work on MacOS after saving document
VB-208465 EvergreenConnect: Crashing
VB-208481 Wrong Height of Objects in Viewports with Export IFC 4
VB-208503 Curb footprint area returns incorrect value
VB-208526 Publish to PDF bug creates error in Acrobat
VB-208528 ConnectCAD : Cable route fails and crash this file
VB-208529 The VW2025 version of Site Protection Server does not work on macOS Big Sur.
VB-208541 Crash when using the Railing Join tool
VB-208544 Reshaping the end of a railing causes the elevation at a different point to change
VB-208548 CW - Spotlight - Speaker Array - Bumper 2D view disagrees
VB-208549 Invisible Objects Randomly Become Visible When Visibility Tool is Used
VB-208560 MVR export of extrude fails
VB-208562 Mode Bar Shows Yellow Box and Tooltip When Creating Objects in Update 3
VB-208564 Plants in Triangular array have changes to the array geometry when parameter is changed
VB-208566 Ifc Export by VisibleObjectsOnly -> Vw crashes
VB-208589 Lighting Device: The Device Type drop down is filled with “Laser” or “Moving Light /Laser” every time when you place a new object on a drawing
VB-208593 Many tool bars not working in ConnectCAD
VB-208605 Adobe won't render a PDF generated in 2025
VB-208606 Update truss magnets menu command should be disabled with no documents open
VB-208607 DPicolo DSTOP CTS is trying to take ownership of an object in the CREATED state. This is an error! Please report this!
VB-208623 Braceworks Manage Bridle Parts Dialog: Gets wrong item when using type filter
VB-208626 Radial, Angular and Arc Length Dimension Tools not working in viewport annotations
VB-208628 Arcs and circles not able to be dimensioned by radius/dia on Viewport annotations
VB-208645 Referencing - Worksheets are referenced when chosen with other resources
VB-208655 Document Pref "Enable legacy 2D features" is not remembered when document is reopened
VB-208658 Publish/Export to PDF is unable to export italic font
VB-208671 Custom Window Not Displaying Correctly (Catalogs)
VB-208674 Hierarchical display of classes closes window during class selection in OIP
VB-208679 Spotlight GDTF mapping fixture mode issue
VB-208685 Use only one redshift environment and adjust the volume contribution
VB-208689 No checkout needed to add angular and radial constraints
VB-208691 Create Animation Acceptance Test: "Vectorworks Cloud Services was unable to complete your Animation job"
VB-208701 Revit import does not load predefined settings correctly.
VB-208705 Data Tag Acceptance Test forward translate regression - truss object
VB-208708 CW Stair: There is no slab geometry group if a setting is disabled.
VB-208714 T02293 - Edit Assembly Tool: Crash when moving a frame segment
VB-208717 T02293 - Curtain Wall Window option for Window unit need to disabled in OIP
VB-208720 Classes dropdown collapses when expanding rows in hierarchical view
VB-208726 *Vectorworks crashes when selecting a window catalog
VB-208731 Class selection in the OIP does not work
VB-208749 Export Ifc 2x3 wrong Ifc-Elements
VB-208752 After installing VW2025 on Windows, the preview display in Explorer using VWPreview does not work.
VB-208767 Showcase - Thin black circle appearing inside spotlight
VB-208772 Showcase - Square beam has returned
VB-208811 Published PDFs have an error when opened in Adobe Acrobat
VB-208820 Project Sharing: crash when moving a symbol
VB-208837 Window and Door Handing Widgets in Multiple View Panes
VB-208856 After editing workspace some names are in ENG
VB-208857 Refresh document: SyncController::SetUuidsForReferencedLayers(bool, TDocumentUuidsCheckTable&)
VB-208879 Equipment Summary Key Virtual parts
VB-208882 EvergreenConnect: Crash Report
VB-208911 Space Eyedropper-tool not transfering "Occupant Name"
VB-208923 Crash when creating schematic view of a hanging position
VB-208970 The mapping of /Pset_SpaceCommon/CeilingCovering is not correct.
VB-208980 Data Tag Subpart Mode Mac only regression - mode bar
VB-209012 Export MVR fails to include Straight Truss and Truss Symbols

The following issues have been fixed in Update 2:

Issue id Summary
7066 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Custom Selection Highlight is way off for Cross-Section and Int and Ext View
8122 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Oval shaped window
8239 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - if we use a material in a window, we don't see the texture in de section viewport
8367 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - WD-DE - Control points are moved when window is moved out from a wall 3D
8501 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Chamfer doesn' work at the corner of a corner window
8676 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Chamfer on corner window: gap between trim and wall.
8718 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - DEWD - wall connection and frame corners geometry bugs
8726 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Wall connection at wall part 2D display is not correct after resizing DEWD object
8840 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Mirroring an Interior sliding door with Action bar Mirror changes the thickness
8964 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Window with specific settings + another opening makes outer component wall dissapear
9955 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - V2024.sp0.0.808 ENG / Shape for Selected Corner Point
10147 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Object Class is disabled from the Edit object style and object settings dialogs
10257 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Chamfer on corner window: trim doesn't align correctly
10401 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Specific window object: preview fails at a specific insertion height
10526 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Parasolid: Weird volume is created after undoing the creaton of sills or lintels
10660 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Arc fillet on top: arc opening and arc frame are not always parallell
10909 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Styled window width is not locked when using wall closure
11322 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Object style with specific geometry: Vectorworks crashes by deleting one of the divisions
11327 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - if you place a window in a round wall you get a circle in the drawing.
11338 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Window threshold does not go from 2024 to 2025
11340 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - hybride opening doesn't works correct
11341 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Wall closure breaks graphical legend
11343 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Joinerie Ext - Hinged shutter
11347 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - inner sill is wrong if we use advanced wall closure.
11349 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Object style with measurements by "frame": the width changes every time you edit instance
11355 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - translation
11375 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Opening a specific file makes a Vectorworks with the DEWD plug in crash while updating a reference
11383 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Specific document: Vectorworks blocks when placing an interoir joinery obect
11385 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Import - Int Joinery does not import Fire resistance data
11386 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Sets and Standards do not get migrated to VW2025
11387 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Import - widths in styled windows have changed after import
11388 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Changing position via OIP makes Vectorworks hang
11389 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Specific document: Deleting DEWD objects on the 1st floor casues Vectorworks to block
11391 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Rotating an orphan window makes Vectorworks block
11395 (DE-WD) Interior/Exterior Joinery - Dialogue does not display energos U value
11326 (DE-WS) Window Schedule - Window schedule is broken
11329 (DE-WS) Window Schedule - Window schedule has wrong images
11266 DE others - [ARCH] TEST Driving curve
7017 Libraries - Duplicated files with Covergreen textures/image fills in the localized Vectorworks (NL, PL, FR)
7893 Libraries - Texture in Ext_ALU (materials)
8370 Libraries - Some inconsistencies in the translation of plant tags
9832 Libraries - BIM BE templates: the number of shadow is limited to "8"
9834 Libraries - BIM BE libraries Wall style "[MU] 28 Dakopstand - EPDM (3mm)" Should be renamed to "[MU] 47 Dakopstand - EPDM (3mm)"
9835 Libraries - Wall style "[MU] 21 Overkraging - gevelsteen, iso zacht (210mm)" Should be renamed to "[MU] 41 Overkraging - gevelsteen, iso zac
9852 Libraries - BIM BE slab styles: "[PS] 47 Dakafwerking - afschotiso hard, EPDM (...)" should be renamed to "[PS] 47 Dakafwerking - afschot, i
10477 Libraries - Texture 'metaal - staal'
10601 Libraries - Textuur Vectorworksbibliotheek overbelicht
10834 Libraries - Hanglamp 4 doesn't have a light
11393 Libraries - Data tags for plants don't work in the Dutch version
10818 VECTORWORKS - data tags become small after export or publish to a PDF
11323 VECTORWORKS - Wrong display with line array using symbols
11324 VECTORWORKS - Spotligtht Video Tools: Blended screen adjusting projector does not work
11331 VECTORWORKS - Video Screen: cannot change the Tilt screen parameter value
11369 VECTORWORKS - Soft Goods options cannot be set in default preferences when set to "Sur Pieds" in Vectorworks 2025 FR
11377 VECTORWORKS - VW 2025 FR Update 2: Please replace "Carter" by "Modèle"
11328 VW ADDED PLUGINS - Vectorworks crashes when recalculating all plugin objcets
8131 Vectorworks App - Library: _Voorbeeld planten.vwx generates English Classes
9014 Vectorworks App - Compact mode view bar: Deleting cathegories is not helping to make drop down menus bigger
9500 Vectorworks App - Title Block styles - client name
9515 Vectorworks App - Title Block styles - cells data issue
9727 Vectorworks App - There is no class in the marker of Plant style
9936 Vectorworks App - Objectstyles Title block
10541 Vectorworks App - Double clicking on design layer
11337 Vectorworks App - Vulling geven aan overliggende vulling bij verharding
11378 Vectorworks App - Curb insertions in DE version
VB-208327 The "Record" button on the DMX recording palette doesn’t work on Windows
VB-208413 "Separator" and "New menu" doesn't work properly in Workspace Editor
VB-208416 Revit import and export commands not in plug-ins folder.
VB-208464 Hoist high hook change regression
VB-207988 Fix: Truss Tool & Resource Selector
VB-170406 Horizontal Sections Show Missing Plane Graphics for Stair Objects
VB-170429 T02137 - Hatch/Tile Fill Not Updating after Styled Space is Resized and Planar Object is Added
VB-181533 Platforms: UI API called from background thread Group
VB-182077 Space Label get's lost / receive wrong scale during Export PDF
VB-185796 Symbol: different editing overlay for editing the 2D Components
VB-186046 Spotlight: Edit Hanging Position is not working proper
VB-186407 When a symbol is edited from the RM, the "red" and "green" x and y lines are missing.
VB-186522 Export PDF: reset plug-ins makes Space text disappear
VB-191258 Hanging Position Truss Edits Failing
VB-191275 KLS: Edit of Symbol different from instance in drawing to symbol def in Resource browser
VB-192006 KLS: Superscipt Numbers of SAI multiplied und displaced in data tag with fixed text
VB-192349 Video Screen object moves to unintentional position when snapped and placed.
VB-192835 Update Viewports crashes Vectorworks -- Hidden line Multi thread crash
VB-192897 Data tag ignoring clip cube in viewports
VB-193744 Acc Test - Color Picker - Grayscale button in the Custom tab has truncated text
VB-193815 A problem with WMS services in Landmark
VB-194945 Cursor style is stuck at palette resizing mode
VB-195508 View Bar is shortened in compact mode for no reason (Windows)
VB-195566 Image Effects from the context menu, not working.
VB-195570 Mirroring Seating Sections with an Angle of Seating doesn't behave as expected if "Adjust Boundary with Angle" is checked.
VB-196307 Windows dialogs use different menus, baseline alignment is off
VB-196405 Hierarchical Render popup on dialogs should have proper separator
VB-196761 DT: Selected Eligible Objects Mode doesn't work for empty IFC Pset fields
VB-196789 Image effects doesn't work on the firs try (Windows 11 only)
VB-197035 Spotlight - Braceworks Calculation Overview Feedback "Bubbles" Aren't Scaled Properly - Windows ONLY
VB-197367 *Vectorworks crash on Spotlight Lighting Device Replace
VB-197844 Truncated text in some color picker buttons
VB-197905 2024 - File opens in Top
VB-197961 Compact mode view bar: Deleting cathegories is not helping to make drop down menus bigger
VB-197974 Exporting Unreal DataSmith Unreal, crashes vectorworks.
VB-199280 'Crop perspective view' document preference not displayed
VB-199479 Enhanced pulldown icons are clipped
VB-199496 'Geographic Operation Error' dialogue loop...
VB-199628 Image Effects: Blur effect preview does not work as expected
VB-199710 Sketch Acceptance Test: Sketch Style Editor Dialog Preview is Flipped Vertically Initially (Windows Only)
VB-199785 The "Select Data Tags?" alert goes missing if I check the "Switch to Plan Projection" don't show again checkbox.
VB-199828 *Vectorworks crashes when export plan with “Export viewports as 2D graphics in model space” in dwg
VB-200036 BUG: Symbol and Object Info, tab stops do not work for: Scaling Symmetric input field: Factor
VB-200845 Navigation palette: If you click over a class\layer in the Navigation Palette the edit mode is active
VB-200862 Single click acts as a double click in the organization dialog box
VB-200998 Truss tool: Drawing ex a 24m truss, ends up as 21m.
VB-201000 SBE: Clicking on enhanced pull-down menu crashes Vectorworks
VB-201104 T02370 Showcase - DMX Recording takes a long time to settle
VB-201157 T02345: Pocket Door Top/Plan Graphic Issues in "Low" Level of Detail
VB-201425 custom checkout - saved settings change after reopening them
VB-201726 KLS: Marionette Script crashes Vectorworks performing Copy Paste
VB-201777 double click saved view in palette doesn't activate
VB-201830 Render Image effects Blur Preview (Mac Only)
VB-201907 Missing dimension lines when exporting Graphic Legend to DXF/DWG
VB-201937 Clicking on Layer/class name etc causes edit behavior
VB-201972 Unable to edit shortcut for FQRW because Workspace Editor selects command group
VB-201984 WMS does not load images in georeferenced file
VB-202099 MVorobyev DSTOP CGSEnhancedComboBoxBuildMenu --- Icon index out of range.
VB-202216 If rlm.exe is started from the command prompt or shortcut according to the "Server startup options" in the help, the ISV server does not start. *Windows only
VB-202238 Hoist pickup symbol not selectable in hoist object preferences dialog
VB-202259 Revit import: The imported geometry doesn’t have texture
VB-202288 Hoist: No limitations for the length fields of the hoist and inappropriate result
VB-202318 No Export IFC of Site Modifiers with IFC 4
VB-202356 Referenced Worksheet: aborting re-import crashes Vectorworks
VB-202380 2D Attributes of swap graphics not shown in all cases in section viewports
VB-202386 Spotlight Braceworks does not see a projector as part of a system when place with three click method.
VB-202403 Projection menu - Oblique menu items - Missing message
VB-202466 Data Tag Error Incrementing Value
VB-202528 The Video Screen doesn’t display in the Schematic View if you move it to attach it to the truss
VB-202628 Double clicking on design layer
VB-202646 Truss connection in hanging position
VB-202668 Symbol based hanging position
VB-202872 After changing some viewport settings, the update button on the viewport object information palette does not change to red even if it is not updated.
VB-202940 Wrong Export IFC of Panels of CurtainWall
VB-202958 Data Tag renumbering is broken on Undo
VB-202975 Bug in dwg dimension import
VB-203128 Hoist Low hook height
VB-203168 Plant Style 2D top/plan graphic swapped
VB-203183 T02358 - Instance name formula is not being used for creating new hardscapes
VB-203201 List Browser: Double click in a directly editable cell doesn't mark the whole text
VB-203208 Aligned Hardscape aligns only to Landscape areas which are 3D polygons
VB-203281 Attribute Mapping Controls Disappear from Mode Bar After Using Flyover/Pan Shortcuts
VB-203297 Data Manager: record field loses information due to class switch through OIP
VB-203330 Spotlight Distributed load object weights report bug
VB-203376 Bridles do not snap to structural members in Click Insertion Mode
VB-203517 T02358 - Hardscape Becomes Corrupted After Switching Between Boundary and Pathway Configurations
VB-203661 Datamanager - Dataloss if referenced Record Format is changed
VB-203670 T02358 - Instance name not populated when using convert mode
VB-203671 T02358 - Instance name is not incremented when using pickup mode
VB-203787 T02370 Showcase - Stops when adjusting Details Quality
VB-204178 Default distribution rate for Vectorworks plants in landscape areas needs to be adjusted
VB-204248 Workspace Editor: Can no longer key a letter to jump to the next command with that letter
VB-204297 Spotlight Hanging Position Change Trim Height of System breaks trim height and Z height connection
VB-204315 T02358, T02417 - Copying and pasting landscape areas and hardscapes does increment the instance name formula
VB-204418 Visibility Tool Doesn't Allow X-Ray Fill Selection on Viewports
VB-204444 Equipment Summary Key Preferences on Sheet Layer causing Column Width increase
VB-204616 Strange Animation Path behavior
VB-204707 Data tags become small if reset while on sheet (or after export or publish to a PDF)
VB-204730 T02370 Showcase - Truncated cones near clip is too far from lens
VB-204808 Interaction between Onscreen View Control & 3d navigator device
VB-204863 T02425 - Content for inserting into curbs is not available in the popup resource manager
VB-204904 Spotlight Find and Modify - "Apply" Button
VB-204910 T02358 - “Invalid Parameter” Message Shows if Hardscape Style Uses the Same Name as an Existing Resource
VB-204913 T02358 - Permeability and Sustainability Settings Default to By-Instance When Creating Hardscape Styles
VB-204924 CW - Spotlight - Video Screen Tool - Select Rigging Object doesn't work proper
VB-205004 T02564 - Moving Parameters Right/Left Resets Sorting
VB-205022 Showcase The gobo spin on the MK1 is different than Vision
VB-205130 Equipment and Inventory dialog reporting truss with wrong sizes in 2025
VB-205131 Workspace Editor: changing Keybind in Class Options also alters Layer Options
VB-205155 KLS: Shortcuts for Class/Layer Options in workspace not really working
VB-205168 CW - Spotlight - Change Configuration of Truss
VB-205184 T02370 Showcase - Gobo texture on lens is 90 degrees rotated
VB-205213 PDF Creation issues
VB-205220 T02425 - Attributes Pane List Browser Grouping is Incorrect on Mac
VB-205252 TK BUG: Custom Unit = 0 (zero) wont be shown in some menus
VB-205322 Spotlight auto position loads
VB-205557 T02562 - Adjusting Focus Points for Multiple Lighting Devices Moves Sliders
VB-205558 T02562 - Shutter Angle Values via Edit Window Do Not Have Limits
VB-205560 T02562 - Shutter Depth % Are Not Limited to 0% - 100%
VB-205562 T02562 - Simple Equations for Shutter Angles Do Not Work via OIP
VB-205563 T02562 - Pan & Tilt Values Are Not Limited to -180 - 180
VB-205570 T02562 - Adjusting Pan/Tilt Values Do Not Override Focus Point
VB-205693 Workspace Editor- assigning shortcuts to Standards Views applies also to Alignment commands
VB-205715 Project Sharing: Recalculation changes subrow height in worksheets
VB-205770 Project Sharing: async state after import of deleted reference
VB-205774 Solibri Inside never finishes checking the model. *VW2025 specific
VB-205812 Data tag not respecting document units unit mark
VB-205854 Label legend container misplaced from label field at certain rotations
VB-205860 T02416 Robe Spiider will not automatically download
VB-205892 Lighting Ladder pipe does not report it's own weight when converted to an Hanging position
VB-205900 Workspace Editor Changes lost when Closing window while App not Foremost
VB-205902 Saved Settings for Custom Selection Not Showing in list once saved
VB-205935 Spotlight GDTF mapping not associated a GDTF mode with a fixture at insertion
VB-205943 Data Tag: Subpart mode works inconsistently in Top/Plan and Section
VB-205971 Hardscape fill attribute does not match the fill set from a component
VB-205979 Horizontal section viewport renders without texture. Vertical section is fine.
VB-206006 Set Opening in Wall -> Worksheet Area of Openings failed
VB-206009 Tag Roomfinishes Textsize in Datatag changed
VB-206063 Settings in Snapping palette cannot be edited
VB-206068 T02564 - Video Screen Cost & Tilt Do Not Work w/ Automatic Numbering
VB-206073 Reference not possible to delete from document
VB-206074 Reference not possible to delete from document
VB-206076 T02564 - Lighting Pipe Inventory Spacing Issue
VB-206077 T02564 - Double Clicking Move Button Disables "Increment by DMX Footprint"
VB-206099 T02520 - Hidden Line Improvements, Vectorworks crash when using hidden line and Clip Cube (Mac Only)
VB-206122 Workspace Editor
VB-206127 ConnectCAD - Circuit arrows change their rotation on moving device
VB-206128 ConnectCAD - Socket connector label gets larger on device move
VB-206129 ConnectCAD: Devices have two tag symbols in a localized build
VB-206140 Spotlight Cable Tools cable overwrites data tag insertion class preference
VB-206161 Viewport multiple 2D graphics class overrrides turn off Renderworks textures
VB-206249 T02519 - Workspace editor - Class vs Layer options
VB-206275 Data Visualization: some symbols do not change material as expected
VB-206287 Random crash during acceptance testing
VB-206308 Tile, Cascade and Arrange Icon commands are available in Edit Workspace but don't work
VB-206310 Restarting VW when prompted gets stuck
VB-206315 Bad bit mask definition in IFC library
VB-206353 T02478 - Survey Points Get Moved After Undoing Move Attempt
VB-206357 Context menue do not work
VB-206362 Crash when exporting to datasmith direct link
VB-206366 T02370 Showcase - Gobos are inconsistent between the first time they are loaded and later loads
VB-206383 Problems with Vectorscript Function Reference
VB-206386 Space object: Room name update from worksheet does not update OIP data
VB-206388 Spotlight inserting a light is not showing a preview of the light
VB-206391 Editing layer options shortcut changes class options shortcut as well
VB-206392 Spotlight hoists need help to snap consistently to truss in a set angle.
VB-206396 (Showcase) SLVP Lighting Devices do not match the setting of the Design Layer
VB-206398 (Showcase) Adjusting Render Settings while creating a Viewport causes Showcase to drop to Shaded
VB-206399 T02478 - No Alert Shows When Trying to Move a Survey Point
VB-206410 Spotlight Check Distributor Symbols text line break return issue on Mac
VB-206448 Animation Path: Create Movie fills RAM and freezes Vectorworks
VB-206452 [ConnectCad] - Device Block should Zoom to fill screen when double-clicking
VB-206453 T02429 - Viewport Class Overrides Show Incorrectly on Hardscape Joint Patterns
VB-206456 T02429 - Viewport Class Overrides Are Affecting Hardscape Joint Patterns on Design Layer
VB-206459 Hybrid Symbols and 3D Dragger
VB-206469 T02425 - Curb Preview Image Fails to Update When Settings are Changed
VB-206483 Ghost classes in document leading to annoyed users
VB-206484 T02404: Incorrect preview of the trusses when they are inserted in custom or vertical placement in Top/Plan view
VB-206491 Spotlight Cable Tools circuits all lights into first output in this file
VB-206505 Reference Files will not update.
VB-206537 Schematic View snapping
VB-206578 When using the Duplicate Array command, sockets and connector panels become offset
VB-206581 Cannot close a Countertop object automatically by pressing the K key
VB-206615 T02575:Stage Plug\Stage Deck: The Additions field cannot be set from the first time if you open a test file from VW2024
VB-206625 Showcase. Asserts while refreshing DMX recording palette.
VB-206634 T02429 - Hardscape Joint Patterns Show Incorrectly After Changing By-Class Attributes
VB-206639 straight Truss snapping 2025
VB-206645 Insert Connection Tool>Connection Options "Help Text"
VB-206646 Insert Connection Tool>Connection Options - Minor Typo
VB-206649 Search Vectorworks with doubly entry after search
VB-206676 Lighting device: The preview of the lighting device is not visible in 3D if you attach it to hanging position with custom geometry
VB-206678 DOM: Project Sharing Crash receive changes while edit Textfield
VB-206690 Data Tag Formula is not automatically converted from 2023 to 24 and 25
VB-206693 Vectworks crashes when exporting to Unreal Datasmith
VB-206706 vstanev VWRecordObjIsRecordObject( hRecordHandle )
VB-206710 Searchable popups in popover (Mac) - no dispatch to handler
VB-206712 Data tag: Data tag style drop down is empty if you choose Unstyled (Windows only)
VB-206728 T02517 - Enabling TPP after Activating Camera View Causes the View to Completely Change
VB-206741 Hoist Symbol not updated when selected from Resource Manager
VB-206742 ConnectCAD: In connect tool after Redraw circuit mode is used the mode bar doesn't deselect the redraw option.
VB-206765 Sketch Acceptance Test: Undoing the Deletion of the Default Sketch Style Does Not Restore it as the Default Sketch Style
VB-206780 Spotlight Cable Tools pasting 5'0" into worksheet cell reads as 5" instead
VB-206783 Spaced Joints border joint pattern overlay does not show in 2025
VB-206786 Tolu !fBeginEventStack.empty() on file open
VB-206788 T02404: The direction of the insertion of a lighting device is changed when the cursor is over the truss
VB-206793 ConnectCAD: Label Format: Label parameters don’t accept a value with units
VB-206794 ConnectCAD:Create Labels: If a Sheet Layer (Destination) drop down is empty and you click OK to close the dialog an information message should display
VB-206802 Export HDRI not working
VB-206803 Export image PNG with alpha not working with RW or RS
VB-206807 Find and Modify Unable to replace fixtures imported from MVR
VB-206825 Showcase lens glow on multi lens fixtures is incorrect
VB-206836 Design Layer Viewports lose rotation values when opening the file.
VB-206841 Crash undoing the operations after applying Room finishes on Spaces
VB-206863 The preview of a lighting device is shown in angle when the truss is inserted in angle in Top/Plan view
VB-206864 Landscape areas - plant diameters exceed planting area message pops up for each LA
VB-206871 (Texture chooser popup in dialog) Hardscape Attributes: Object Overall Texture popup shows each resource file twice
VB-206872 Renderworks renders not working when a particular layer is invisible
VB-206873 T02487 - Project Sharing Highlighting Fails to Show in All View Panes When Objects are Hidden in One Pane (Multi-View)
VB-206876 Room Finish Mamnger, Cursor jumps to top of the list when editing Room Finishes
VB-206879 T02425 - Curb Style Path Extrude Edit Mode Shows Rotated Graphics When Created from a Rotated Curb
VB-206900 No sketch fails on PDF export
VB-206901 Curb Style Creation Gets Cancelled When Entering Path Extrude Edit Mode
VB-206905 Showcase: Viewports not rendering with Showcase
VB-206910 Pick (and marquee) mode for adjacent cabinets results in 3 separate countertops
VB-206916 Add help text to survey point tool icon in the workspace
VB-206917 ConnectCAD: Conn Panel settings seeing only visible devices
VB-206927 modify standard view shortcut modify the text alignments shortcuts…
VB-206937 Railing infill does not pick up correct attributes in 3D
VB-206939 Change the abbreviation for metres in scale bar
VB-206940 (Mac only) When the Resource Manager is coupled to the OIP, the OIP stops functioning and becomes a blank palette.
VB-206943 Image: crop and effect issues
VB-206961 T02407 - Delete button untranslatable in Classification Setup palette
VB-206963 Column names in Classification Setup palette not translated/translatable
VB-206964 Workspace chunks are not selected as used
VB-206966 Landscape Area: with renaming the site model layer (to which the landscape area conforms to), the landscape area's 'Site Model Layer' popup selection is lost.
VB-206973 Datamanager Mapping Scheme suddenly broken
VB-206980 Class ghosting fails to update in panes with different visibilities
VB-206984 Tyler GT Truss snapping
VB-206991 Crash when updating section viewport
VB-206992 Data Manager: record attachment rules for different symbol insertion modi
VB-206998 TK BUG: PIO/Symbol in Wall and Data Tag: Duplicate Array bug
VB-207002 using "x" instead of "*" to multiple sweep rotations in sweep command crashes the file
VB-207003 T02429 - Hardscape Annotations Class Fails to Sync Between OIP and Settings Dialog
VB-207011 Renderworks not rendering DL with DLVPs
VB-207034 Data Visualization Not Applying Once Classification is Updated
VB-207039 LArsenyuk DSTOP T02254 CTS TASK object tdType 31 is not type 51. Please stop and report this.
VB-207040 crash in mainline CRailingFenceSystemTest::TestCompareSegments
VB-207043 Multi-View - Navigation Palette Shows the Wrong Class Visibilities After Opening Viewport Class Properties Dialog
VB-207044 Image Effects Dialog: AAntonini Trying to tie a VWControl instance to a Layout Manager control with a different component type
VB-207073 Truss symbol insertion: Colon missing, wrong menu text
VB-207074 Hoist Origin: wrong menu text
VB-207079 Data Tag tagging invisible objects
VB-207087 Faraway (outside Parasolid box) CSG scale issue.
VB-207091 Dialogs: VWDialog::OnDialogTimer() gets called constantly on Mac
VB-207096 Datamapping disappears after 2-3 IFC exports
VB-207102 Set the Datasmith Light name from the OIP panel
VB-207103 Showcase Preferences>Shaded Options>Quality>Details, Lighting Devices disappear
VB-207106 Eyedropper tool does not transfer local mapping on first attempt; second use needed
VB-207112 DMX Provider must sometimes be toggled to get it to work
VB-207113 Door and window TXT catalogs have extra carriage return on Windows builds
VB-207117 ConnectCAD: Spotlight power layout reshaping a circuit line disconnects a connection
VB-207121 OIP Render Pane Shows Incorrectly When Subdivision Objects are Selected
VB-207124 T02425 - Undoing the Curb Format creation leaves the extrudes group in the drawing
VB-207126 T02425 - Creating the Specification Format while editing the extrudes group leads to endless undo actions
VB-207129 sanitizer crash in CountertopShapeFromCabinetsTests
VB-207137 File originating in v2022 can only be opened in 2022, crashes Vectorworks when converting to newer
VB-207141 Hardscape dialog: Pathway Borders By style button is clickable
VB-207143 Referenced VP's does not lock rotation
VB-207149 Countertop: Reshaping triggers edge waterfall condition to swap from one edge to another
VB-207172 crash on exit in ~SWallQTOCache
VB-207182 Scale Bar tool displays incorrect unit mark for Meters (M) when document units are Millimeters (mm)
VB-207198 IES name is not set for vgs plugins
VB-207204 Hiding an object makes it invisible by default, not ghosted.
VB-207206 [Landscape Area] 'Moc' string is shown for dividers
VB-207209 Survey Point can be inserted into walls
VB-207211 Space advanced settings "Restore Default Properties" button do not work
VB-207217 Ctrl+Drag duplicate of symbols in wall issue with undo
VB-207220 Countertop sink fails
VB-207229 Speaker and Soft Goods parameters are disabled when a data tag is attached.
VB-207234 GIS: compass ring
VB-207249 Stage Deck & Plug Casters are not present on creation
VB-207252 Landscape Area Changes to Negative Elevation when File Opens in VW2025 (Not consistent with VW2024 SP7)
VB-207254 Crash in LaunchPDFViewer
VB-207257 Reset defaults does not work for gobo/color/animation wheels
VB-207260 Curbs Fail to Immediately Show Changes After Entering Path Extrude Component Edit Mode
VB-207261 Landscape Area Plant Percentage Rate Can be Changed on a Per-Instance Basis When Set By-Style
VB-207264 Incomplete fontset when exporting PDF
VB-207270 unit settings custom in info palette
VB-207276 MFarnan DSTOP Undo Error Imminent crash. Object 0x6000045eebc0 of tdType 90 is being deleted without the undo tables knowledge.
VB-207290 Visibility Tool Mode Bar: Missing Button for Grayed Mode
VB-207293 Home Page not loading
VB-207297 Spotlight DMX Patch counting hook clamps as DMX devices?
VB-207301 Data Tag-Roof Face Component Class Reporting Bug
VB-207304 GIS: Compass ring not recognizing Undo/Redo
VB-207307 Retaining wall site modifier created in wrong location
VB-207309 Datamanager - dead / lost Data Sheet preventing closure of Datamanager
VB-207318 Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[NSView bounds]
VB-207321 Hidden-Line (only) SLVP shifts location when toggling 2PP
VB-207345 Landscape Area Pattern Fill Menu Appears Empty Due to Default Colors
VB-207354 two sanitizer crashes in TDrawPadQuartz2D::d_MeasureStringWidth
VB-207356 BIM Construction Classification standard is not being deleted with the return key
VB-207357 Classification does not return proper object counts with PIO fields
VB-207358 Undo leads to wrong dialog "Update Class Attributes from Object..."
VB-207365 Spotlight: Lighting Device tool Distributed Insertion mode - validation
VB-207370 Save renderworks debug data
VB-207373 Tool Set pallet overlap Basic tools pallet
VB-207379 Hardscape settings alignment issue
VB-207397 Aspect Ratio with camera viewport
VB-207401 Extrude along path class
VB-207402 Curb tool. Hardcoded "Unstyled" on preferences dialog
VB-207408 Crash Partner Services [Help > Install Partner Products]
VB-207413 User's file crashes when selecting the railing tool in VW 2025
VB-207435 Brick Hatch used for surface hatches from default content has inaccurate values causing hatch layers to fall out of alignment with each other.
VB-207438 LED Screen in Simple 3D Z fighting
VB-207439 Classification does not return correct object count for "Unstyled" doors
VB-207441 Truss tool when opening new document reverts to first named truss in truss library
VB-207445 Running localized Vectorworks together with US Vectorworks isn't possible anymore
VB-207447 Hardscape Joint Overlay Pattern Causes Base Fill Color to Fail in Update 1
VB-207450 Redshift IPR does not tilt IES lights inside symbols
VB-207451 Default data visualization for Unclassified objects shows incorrect and unpredictable results
VB-207452 unreal compiler warning
VB-207454 Hardscape "Overall Texture" Parts Have Grayed-Out Class Menus
VB-207455 Hardscape Preferences Dialog Doesn't Allow Site Model Interaction Setting to be Changed in Update 1
VB-207468 Text wrapping breaking in VW 2025
VB-207487 Incompatibilities? L-shaped counters + rounded profiles + corner round wrap
VB-207492 [ Landscape Area ] When in Plant Cloud mode, fill color doesn't work
VB-207493 [Hardscape] Joint Pattern Classes are not created
VB-207495 Applying Image Effect Change to Bitmap after Previewing the Change Causes Bitmap to Disappear
VB-207498 [ Landscape Area ] Imported old file shows plants in 2D but then removes them after a reset
VB-207501 Rendering DLVP views problems
VB-207502 Docked palettes undock too easily
VB-207506 Classification: Unclassified list probably shouldn't include stair proxies
VB-207507 Cannot choose a speaker type in catalog Mac only
VB-207526 VW crashes while converting a symbol into a group
VB-207530 VGM FinalizeView crashes in cloud system due to FindAttachmentsInFB
VB-207532 KLS: Attached stair can be created in real life but not in Vectorworks
VB-207537 Curved Walls and Data Visualisation
VB-207547 T02517: Editing Viewports in two-point perspective
VB-207551 Classification: worksheet criteria in db rows does not agree with classification
VB-207565 Crash at CHomeScreen::Destroy
VB-207566 crash in CHomeScreen::Destroy
VB-207568 Crash while generating Animation on the cloud
VB-207582 Worksheet database results for room finish areas display incorrectly using OBJECTDATA
VB-207584 Recent Regression in 'Missing Skylight.vwx' Automated Image Test
VB-207586 Project sharing. Drawing does not update after Refresh.
VB-207592 Using Apple Script makes CEF unavailable
VB-207594 Dark background generates incorrect callout color
VB-207601 Data Viz - Erratic behaviour with symbols in walls
VB-207602 ConnectCAD: Symbol-based equipment hiding name text when in rack frames
VB-207605 VW Spotlight - Cable Break dialog Box: weird behavior
VB-207608 3D Dragger- not able to pick if outside of Parasolid limit box.
VB-207609 Inserting Hoist in Rotated Plan View Doesn't Insert The Hoist Where You Clicked.
VB-207612 Jittering Effect when Using the Slider in "Set Perspective" Dialog while in HL Render Mode
VB-207613 Spotlight Cable Tools power layout from one layer crashed VW
VB-207617 Tool Sets palette can not be adjusted when docked
VB-207626 Right clicking on context menu commands no longer works in 25
VB-207643 Path animations from saved views in 2PP
VB-207653 Changing weight of Lighting Device symbol in the RM then selecting the Instrument Insertion tool crashes Vectorworks.
VB-207654 Editing Weight field in Lighting Symbol Maintenance command kills Vectorworks when subsequently using the Instrument Insertion tool
VB-207656 ConnectCAD: Circuit tool Redraw mode turns off after each use
VB-207658 Prolyte S36PRT 244 Truss
VB-207659 Please seperate 'Crop Perpective View' from Legacy 2D settings
VB-207670 Resource Manager: Workgroup Libraries > Plants > 2D Imagery Elev Artisitc [sic] spellling error
VB-207672 Data Manager to map Ifc Space Classifications from Classification data not object data
VB-207683 Export to PDF/A-2, 3, 4, causes problems with PDF Layers Part 2
VB-207686 Hardscape: 'name required for creation of new class' alert
VB-207691 JSimerly DSTOP An Insert change is not expected for an object in the CREATED state.
VB-207695 Exporting animation from path hangs with Redshift
VB-207703 Plant: Rate unit parameter is set to by instance and cannot be changed from Data tag\Worksheet on Mac
VB-207715 Crash when browsing a document with the Resource Selector - WIN ONLY
VB-207718 File crashing when railing tool is selected.
VB-207723 AI Visualiser - not recalling prompt
VB-207724 [T02407] - search of classification not working for DIN276
VB-207726 [T02407] - Objects in Walls cannot be classified via OIP
VB-207734 asymmetrical cabinet hardware rotated incorrectly on double doors
VB-207745 T02370 Showcase - Select Video Source crashing with NDI
VB-207746 T02571 - AI Visualizer "No Prompt Data" Alert Doesn't Show for Viewports
VB-207747 T02571 - AI Visualizer - "Copy to Clipboard" Command Fails in Update 2
VB-207753 Viewports are not rendering edges in RW render styles
VB-207756 Shutters aren't rendering properly when combined with Gobos
VB-207758 Data tag: The preview of the style is empty in the Resource manager if you edit the layout from the Data Tag Style dialog
VB-207766 Exporting to VW 2024 causes excel references to be lost
VB-207767 Exporting a worksheet referenced from an excel file to 2023 has a problem
VB-207782 [ Landscape Area ] Double-click on tool causes infinite error generation
VB-207792 Curb footprint area is showing wrong units in the OIP.
VB-207794 ConnectCAD: Label edit mode - other objects visible and grayed
VB-207796 Wrong Truss Preview in 3D Views when there is Elevation on Design Layer
VB-207810 Hardscape Joint Pattern Overlay Causes By-Class Base Fill Color to Fail
VB-207821 Beta Project Sharing Alert 5 - CSG editing
VB-207824 Vectorworks Backup-Project Sharing Working File Creating Mass Backups
VB-207832 If I open a document from VW 2025 containing two design layer viewports in invisible classes, in VW31.0.0d(780139)_64, viewports in active classes remain invisible.
VB-207851 T02370 Showcase - Fix mirrored UVC WebCam
VB-207855 If you have two builds of v2025 open, the AI Visualiser is disabled on the last build that opened
VB-207867 GIS: Geoimage "Edit Service" dialog only comes after "ArcGIS login" dialog
VB-207868 [GIS] ArcGIS log in screen reopens after closing it
VB-207911 T02571 - AI Visualizer Seamless Tiling Fails in Some Cases
VB-207923 VW application termination in Data Manager
VB-207933 Wrong display with line array using symbols in localized version
VB-207946 Site Model Edit, prompts the user to login ERSI account when exiting edit mode
VB-207955 When the height of the docked Tool Sets palette is reduced, the position of the Tool Sets palette and the height of the Application window change automatically and improperly.*Mac version of VW2025
VB-207991 Deleting Menu Chunks in Workspace Editor Causes VW to Crash.
VB-207993 Hardscape: Attribute Joint Pattern Overlay
VB-207996 Wrongly Password Protection in PDF from ComputerWorks EDU-Version
VB-208042 Certain menus become unavailable when adding a menu or tool from the SDK file to a workspace.
VB-208094 On the Mac version, Vectorworks crashes when running Export EPSF when using a Student license (JAU or JAS).
VB-208100 Project Sharing: Refresh working file: Crash: SearchForAncestorOwnerType
VB-208102 DWG Export: Cropped rendered viewports have to be exported in Model space as crop images
VB-208103 Project Sharing need to check out all data tags during submitting REGRESSION
VB-208151 VW 2025 Update 1 Data Tag Regression
VB-208184 T02571 - Objects Get Pasted on the Screen Plane When "Copy to Clipboard" is Used
VB-208283 Landscape Area - plants are not showing in 3D after initial creation

The following issues have been fixed in Update 1:

Issue id Summary
8650 Vectorworks App - VW2023 SP4 - Plant tool - Duplicating plant style
7625 Vectorworks App - Worksheets for hedgerow objects don't work (PL)
9683 Vectorworks App - Materials in resourcelibrary are set to register as surface only or as volume only.
10422 Vectorworks App - Datavisualization of empty class
8262 Vectorworks App - Options in view bar and datavisualization
10839 Vectorworks App - Modify text in field with blank lines
9359 Vectorworks App - Hardscape with the 3D type "slab drainage": pen color is shown as fill in 3D view
11299 VECTORWORKS - sweep problem
10389 VECTORWORKS - light display palette problem
10634 VECTORWORKS - problem with scale of callout copy - SP 4.1 PL beta
10622 VECTORWORKS - T02498- Railing Top Rail - double post
8206 VECTORWORKS - Vision crashes without reason
10789 VECTORWORKS - to many pages if we choose to view multiple viewports
10790 Translation - The "Privacy" partameters in the "zones" in the space tools are translated in a strange way to Dutch
9816 Translation - Translation for fence / Truncated parameters in Fence Preferences
10805 Libraries - Data tags and space labels import in two different, but very similarly named folders
10944 DE others - Help text Bearing Direction
10432 Cesyam plug-ins - Dimensions preview in setting automatic dimensions
9704 Cesyam plug-ins - Automatic Dimension - help texts missing
3559 Cesyam plug-ins - Automatische bemating geeft niet de juiste afmetingen weer voor de muuropening van een buitenraam of -deur
8191 Cesyam plug-ins - Automatic Dimension together with wall closures
VB-188218 Door preview wrong in this specific case
VB-194594 Specific plants: Vectorworks crashes when exporting to DWG
VB-201985 T02525:Export DWG/DXF: The “#†is not aligned to left if you resize the stacking order column
VB-203183 T02358 - Instance name formula is not being used for creating new hardscapes
VB-203528 T02358 - Duplicated Hardscapes Fail to Get a Unique Auto-Number Assigned
VB-203572 T02358 - Path Hardscape Elevation Change Gets Reverted on Reset
VB-203670 T02358 - Instance name not populated when using convert mode
VB-203671 T02358 - Instance name is not incremented when using pickup mode
VB-203679 T02521 - Menus are not dismissed when clicking in the Home Screen area (Windows only)
VB-203893 Extraneous resources added to file when overriding Landscape Area attributes
VB-204111 T02417 - Landscape Area Style Dialog Shows Number of Plants (Should Only Show in Settings Dialog)
VB-204183 T02417 - Individual plants still stick out of the border when "show all plant edges inside bed area" is checked
VB-204210 T02417 - Highlighting sticks on plants in a landscape area when I change the height of the plant block
VB-204277 T02425 - Extrude Along Path Curb Has High Level of Segmentation, Slow Performance
VB-204315 T02358, T02417 - Copying and pasting landscape areas and hardscapes does increment the instance name formula
VB-204331 Curb - automatic cutting at corners fails with subdivision objects.
VB-204410 T02358 - Hardscape: 2024 By Instance Style Parameter Converted to By Style in 2025
VB-204421 T02425 - Curb - Texture Generation failes around curves
VB-204513 Schematic Views do not generate 2D Top geometry
VB-204619 T02358 F10 - Path offset removed from the OIP?
VB-204855 T02425 - Curb Flips Upside-Down When Gravity is Applied
VB-204913 T02358 - Permeability and Sustainability Settings Default to By-Instance When Creating Hardscape Styles
VB-204967 Landscape Area does not set accurate values for two parametric fields
VB-205015 T02358 - Hardscape Path Width/Path Offset Options are Missing from the OIP in VW 2025
VB-205052 Site Modification Ignores NURBS Curves in VW 2025
VB-205071 T02425 - Hardscape-to-Curb Alignment Only Works on a Single Edge of Some Curb
VB-205183 T02425 - Moving a hardscape vertically mis-aligns associated curbs
VB-205190 T02425 - Moving a hardscape with an associated curb vertically does not change the elevation of the curb
VB-205269 T02425 - Curb symbols for curb configuration are not cut as required
VB-205296 T02417 - 3D plant settings doesn't apply correctly when set to 'by instance'
VB-205298 T02417 - 2D Plant settings doesn't apply when set to 'by instance'.
VB-205307 T02417 - The alert for plants wider than the plant bed is coming up for each bed.
VB-205333 T02425 - Curb Insertions Get Rotated Incorrectly on Sloped Curbs
VB-205493 Referenced DLVP shows wall component with no fill
VB-205625 Custom Control - Planting Excavation - Custom Dimension previews not dark mode aware
VB-205632 Custom Control - Select Plant Data - Control is not dark mode aware
VB-205688 T02425 - The insertion point should be at the top of an associated hardscape/landscape area
VB-205694 T02562 - Adjusting Shutters via Automatic Numbering Dialog Does Not Move Sliders
VB-205726 Curb Corner Appears Missing after Clip Surface Operation with a Hardscape Present
VB-205734 T02425 - VW Freezes When Editing Hardscape After Creating Associated Curb
VB-205788 SubDivision Command freezes
VB-205822 Export an IFC4 with Objects in a Group leads to a wrong result
VB-205844 T02425 - Curb Shows the Wrong Orientation When Extrude Configuration is Set to "Extrude Along Path"
VB-205899 Edit Lighting accessory: Palette still active on Exit Edition
VB-205906 T02562 - Shutter Depth Values Do Not Display w/ Multiple Lighting Devices Selected
VB-205908 Lighting Accessory: wrong behavior
VB-205919 T02067 - Planar Pad Slope Definition incorrect units
VB-205957 T02425 Curb - Extruded Profile - Texture Mapping
VB-205964 Schematic View Graphics are incorrect on extruded objects.
VB-205993 T02417 - add the unit inches/hour to the Permeability rate unit setting
VB-206017 Landscape Area Quantity Takeoffs
VB-206029 T02370 Showcase - Path movie generated by cloud doesn't show moving lights (Windows Only)
VB-206054 T02425 - Curb Edits Fail to Make Site Model Out-of-Date
VB-206058 T02370 - Renderworks Background Doesn't Appear when Viewport is Rendered in Showcase Render
VB-206059 T02425 Curb Insertion Flip
VB-206080 Landscape Area: Plants defined in the tool Preferences are not transferred to the created Landscape Area instance.
VB-206097 T02425 - Curb Insertions Fail to show in 3D When Draw 2D Option is Set to "Lines" or "Simple 2D"
VB-206132 T02425 - Curb Instances Fail to Update After Changing Style's Object Placement Option
VB-206152 Loc Acc Test - File Loading Progress dialog - Possibly truncated string
VB-206171 (Windows only) Clicking at the Home Screen area cannot dismiss an opened menu
VB-206172 (Mac Only) Home Screen Template Filter issue
VB-206226 T02425 - Curb Site Modifiers Behave Incorrectly on Closed Shapes
VB-206270 io_dwg library from Cinema 2024 crashes on exit
VB-206281 Wall QTO function SurfaceArea() gives wrong result in special case
VB-206335 Line thickness images in the Attribute palette are not updated after editing the line thickness default values (Win only)
VB-206342 T02417 - Landscape areas find the wrong site model
VB-206363 DaveD Showcase GetRenderModeListElt(index enableShowcase choiceBase creatingLinkedVP creatingDLSVP secondaryRender elt)
VB-206390 Spotlight truss and lighting device place preview fails with accelerated graphics turned off
VB-206402 Manage Cable Parts dialog - Use column always checked
VB-206405 T02417 - No plants are being transferred hen using Unstyle from resource selector
VB-206413 Door Preview not displaying properly when Styled Door Selected
VB-206450 T02429 - Hardscape Joint Pattern Overlay Lines Always Appear White When Base Fill is Applied By Class
VB-206451 T02429 - Hardscape Joint Pattern Pen Color Won't Update Until Pen Style/Thickness are Edited
VB-206474 Lighting Device Insertion Symbol Geometry Delay
VB-206478 DTM returning wrong polygon with RisePolygon
VB-206507 T02425 - Closed curbs with curves still failing
VB-206544 KLS: Conversion Plant Area form Vectorworks 2024 to 2025 fails
VB-206546 T02532: DXF/DWG Export dialog: The list browser of the Plug-in objects pane should be grayed if the serial number is Fundamentals
VB-206593 Restoring Showcase saved view doesn't restore the shaded options
VB-206595 Tool highlighting is in the wrong place when using visibility tool on two- point perspective enabled viewport
VB-206600 v2025 Beta 6 - Landscape Area gets black color in Top/Plan with "Reset Landscape Area"
VB-206603 v2025 Beta 6 - IFC export has black objects that are both surfaces and spikes with the wrong color and wrong geometry
VB-206604 v2025 Beta 6 - IFC export fails to split all Landscape Area by Components
VB-206619 T02425 - Curb infill symbols do not follow entire curve
VB-206622 Exporting a sheet layer seems to be blocked, requiring check outs it can't do... but then succeeds anyway
VB-206624 Showcase "DaveD prototype kCloudsBackground prototype kNumBackgroundShaders"
VB-206626 Beta Project Sharing Alert 5 Shows Upon Save and Commit
VB-206627 T02425 - Curb "Simple" 2D Display Option Only Shows a Single Edge
VB-206629 Railing, Preferences/settings dialog has some inconsistencies
VB-206638 Door Hardware Symbol Geometry Ajustments Needed
VB-206650 Bridle Preferences dialog alignment problems
VB-206657 T02429 - Class-Related Alerts Show When Editing Hardscape After Applying Slope
VB-206662 T02425 - Extra Curbs Get Created Around Unrelated Hardscapes During Association
VB-206666 Create site model volume list command causes crash
VB-206682 VW2025 Installer - Download Window Font Color Issue
VB-206686 Export Collada not creating dae file
VB-206692 Tool Palettes do not restore when exiting the Edit Accessories context
VB-206697 Lighting Devices need Updating after Accessory Tool Use
VB-206725 T02487 - Reduce unnecessary use of NotifyImmediate in visibility tool
VB-206743 T02370 Showcase - Computer hangs when spawning Select Video Source dialog
VB-206755 Edit Roomfinishing Content lousing assignment
VB-206762 Vectorworks 2025 shows Showcase error for Architect serials
VB-206789 DWG Export - Uncaught system exception: signal 11
VB-206837 The tiles disappear when reference viewports are imported.
VB-206842 Room Finish Manager, Push Buttons enables without the finish is being selected
VB-206850 Showcase lens shows square shape even though it is round
VB-206859 DWG Export - no an alert dialog when multiple sheet layers are selected
VB-206869 Hardscape: Border fill attributes are disabled
VB-206898 Curb Shows Gaps in 3D Geometry When "Extrude Along Path" Extrude Configuration is Used
VB-206902 T02358 - Hardscape Permeability Rate Controls Show Even When Set to "Non-Permeable"
VB-206906 Criteria dialog does not support string comparison operators except is/is not for Classifications
VB-206922 Schematic view: Video screen in Schematic view is not correctly display if the 2D Component View is set to Front\Back or Left\Right
VB-206923 Legacy Option "Project Screen Objects" is available for Detail Viewports
VB-206928 Showcase: Updating viewports is slow
VB-206932 Object Visibility Show Only option odd behaviour
VB-206942 T02425 - Miter cut on curb corner doesn't section the infill symbol properly
VB-206945 Option drag truss does not connect with truss tool
VB-206956 [TOV2576] Blended Projector does not show the stand.
VB-206957 T02417 - Performance - Vectorworks hangs when creating styled landscape areas in the attached file
VB-206969 Using a Fundamentals only serial number Resource Manager shows, "Space (styles)" and Lighting Instruments
VB-206974 Room Finish: Import Room Finishes Settings from Edit Style dialog does not work.
VB-206975 Crash in GetObjectVariable
VB-206976 Custom selection hides objects instead of selecting them
VB-206990 Template is selected as workgroup template
VB-206993 Stuck on Loading Cineware
VB-207000 Project Sharing: replicable issue with "your permissions were changed"
VB-207008 Space Object and Data Tags - leader problems and recognition problems
VB-207045 Repeat Start/Stop Showcase with DMX causes Memory build on Windows (possibly file specific)
VB-207053 Room Finishes: Unstyling a Space from settings dialog fails to unstyle Finishes
VB-207057 crash in mainline raumobjekt::set_param_values
VB-207060 Hardscape Joint Overlay Attribute Changes Get Reverted After Closing Settings Dialog
VB-207083 Home Screen not showing recent files
VB-207089 Hardscape: Joint Pattern Overlay class assignment not 'sticking'
VB-207093 Error warning when selecting site modifier class for a slope
VB-207095 Roomfinishing datatagging failed
VB-207148 T02370 Showcase - SLVPs are sometimes overbright
VB-207163 Display issue with Polish character in the Home screen/work area toggle
VB-207164 "Type" in the Template tab of the Home Screen is not translatable
VB-207169 Survey Point reference points not rotating correctly
VB-207179 *Lighting device inserting accessory from other open file crashes VW
VB-207189 Spotlight distributor tool resource selector empty
VB-207190 Spotlight create power schematic freezes or crashs attched file
VB-207203 Some Special Cases where Curb Creation Fails
VB-207208 Script Error with Export DWG
VB-207219 T02358 - Typo in dialog box title
VB-207221 Crash when moving multiple items in workspace
VB-207226 Two messages related to Spotlight and Vision appear creating a cropped Viewport
VB-207237 Data tag crash with DataTagField
VB-207248 Hardscape::Modifier::CHardscapeEx2Methods::DrawLandscapeAreaLikeGeometry::__l8:: ::operator()
VB-207273 The ampersand does not display in the list of color palettes
VB-207280 Vectorworks Libraries are inserting Watermarked
VB-207326 Stair Object from 2021 not generated
VB-207332 Spotlight cable path offset preferences not working
VB-207337 Export Collada generates no file in Windows
VB-207340 2025 - Feature Layers - ArcGIS option grayed out
VB-207347 Redshift spot lights with realistic falloff are 100x too bright
VB-207361 VWIM 2025 DE - Version Installieren text overlaps
VB-207362 VWIM 2025 DE - Text overlaps path box in the installDirpage section
VB-207363 VWIM 2025 DE - images overlap each other in the installation page
VB-207367 FS: Space with with curves is converted incorrectly to VW 2025
VB-207368 Hardscape border fill attributes greyed out
VB-207369 Spotlight libraries marked with overprint
VB-207377 VW Crashes when Creating a Curb using "Channel Brick Open" Style within Test File
VB-207378 Showcase - cloud generated path animations rendering in shaded instead
VB-207381 UK Howdens Base Cabinet Catalog Missing
VB-207385 2025 Vision Plugin Error: when creating a viewport
VB-207437 Vectorworks crashes on viewport update [2024-Countdown-SoCal-Stg4-Rev001.vwx]
VB-207449 Hardscape's Overall Class Changes in Update 1 When "Base Fill" Class is Changed
VB-207458 VW 2025 Crashes when Creating a Curb from Hardscape within Test File
VB-207471 "Object Level Visibility" duplicated in "What's New" in Home Screen
VB-207472 "Learn More" button does not work
VB-207488 Vectorworks crashes when you choose a PSet to edit its fields in Manage Custom Psets dialog
VB-207521 *VW2025 Crashes When Rendering Viewports in Showcase Render Mode
VB-207527 Crash when creating interior elevations.
VB-207556 Showcase - instant wipeout when running DMX recording
VB-207572 Cosmetic issue with Home Screen Message Center Register Button.
VB-207574 Bad formatting and typo for some products in Help>Partner Products.
VB-207628 Hanging while trying to create a Viewport
VB-207630 Vectorworks Hangs when changing viewport background render from Shaded to Showcase (Mac Only)