ConnectCADSpecifying ConnectCAD settings


Workspace: Path

ConnectCAD Settings

Design Suite: Entertainment

Spotlight: Spotlight

ConnectCAD: ConnectCAD

Prior to beginning the schematic design, set up the default ConnectCAD settings. The settings apply to the current file.

To specify the ConnectCAD settings:

Select the command.

The ConnectCAD Settings dialog box opens.

Click the General Settings pane to set global default parameters.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Device Units



Specify watts or kilowatts for device power requirements


Select the units for weight measurements (use kilograms for best results)

Circuit Label Offset


Circuit Number Offset (Grid Spaces)

Sets the position, in grid spaces, of the circuit number label

Connector Type Offset (Grid Spaces)

Sets the position, in grid spaces, of the connector type label

Data Source


Enable Device Builder database

Allows the Device Builder tool access to the database of existing makes and models. If you are creating custom devices with the device builder, you may want to disable this option so that you do not need to scroll through the existing device makes and models. New devices that you create are saved as symbol definitions. 

Use custom data only for signals, connectors, cable types, and devices

Disables the Device Builder database and accesses custom device data in user and workgroup folders



Enable automatic hopover

Automatically creates hop overs where two circuits intersect.

Enabling this option disables the HopOver tool. For information about using this tool to create hop overs manually, see Creating a circuit hop over.

Edit Default Circuit Graphics

Allows you to customize the default appearance of circuit arrows and/or bubbles; see Customizing ConnectCAD objects

Rack Mounting


Allow half rack unit mountings

Enables equipment items and rack frames to be placed at half-rack unit positions in an equipment rack (see the Height RU parameter in Placing equipment and Placing a rack frame)



Number Format

Select the number of leading zeros when numbering devices, sockets, socket loops, external connections, and distribution amplifiers that are placed in Linear Array mode

Click the Panel Settings pane to set up the parameter defaults for jackfields, terminal panels, and custom panels. These settings override any existing custom labels.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Panel Type

Select each type of jackfield, terminal panel, or custom panel to set its label parameters

Jackfield Prefix/Custom Panel Prefix

Specify the prefix for the jackfield or custom panel.

Custom Panel Prefix is displayed when Custom is selected as the Panel Type. The other Panel Type parameters are disabled.

Term Panel Prefix

Specify the prefix for the terminal panel

Group Series

Sets the sequence of the letters and numbers available from the Group list in the Tool bar

Panel Series

Sets the sequence of letters and numbers available from the Panel list in the Tool bar.

The label type determines how these are used. For example, for jackfields labeled AB, CD, EF..., each character pair is taken from this list. For an A, B, C... label style, these are taken one by one.

Jackfield Label Type

Select a labeling style for jackfield and linked jackfield labels. The style can either be the panel and port number, separated by the Delimiter Char, or an alphabetical identifier.

Terminal Panel Label Type

Select a labeling style for terminal panel labels

Delimiter Character

Specifies the delimiter character for jackfield and terminal panel numeric styles

Second Delimiter Character

Specifies the second delimiter character for terminal panel numeric styles

Jack Panel Size/Terminal Panel Size

Sets the maximum number of holes available for each panel type (video, audio, data, and optical).

Select Other to specify a custom number of holes in the Enter New Panel Size dialog box.

Misc Panel Size

Sets the maximum port number available for each DIN Rail terminal panel and custom panel type (see the Edit Device Array parameter in Placing terminal panels and Placing connector panels)

Click the Numbering pane. Select a standard numbering system to use, or add a custom system. See Cable numbering rules for more information about numbering rules.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Cable Numbering Systems

Specifies the numbering system to use for drawing circuits, when circuits are created or renumbered. Several standard systems are included by default. Click in the Use column to use that numbering system (a check mark indicates the currently selected system).


Opens the Edit Numbering System dialog box, to create a custom numbering system. The currently selected system displays for reference; enter a new System Name and System Description, and then add or edit rules to create a custom system.


Opens the Edit Numbering System dialog box, to edit the currently selected numbering system.

Click Add to open the Edit Numbering Rule dialog box; edits made here create a new rule that is appended to the end of the rules list.

Click Edit to open the Edit Numbering Rule dialog box, where you can change the Match Rule parameters/prefix and the Cable Number format.

Click Edit as text to open the Edit Numbering Rule dialog box, which displays the currently selected rule as a formula for editing directly.

Click Delete to delete the currently selected rule.

Click and drag in the # column to reorder the rules.


Deletes the currently selected numbering system

Click the Signals pane. The list of available signals for the Device Builder and Socket tools displays according to priority (uncategorized, custom, workgroup, and default) and can be customized. Default items cannot be deleted, but you can change their class settings. You can create a duplicate entry in the list and customize it as required; the custom duplicate is used instead.

Click to show/hide the parametersClick to show/hide the parameters.



Signal Types list

Lists the available signals, with prefix, connector, description, and attribute settings.

Custom types: All information except the line type attribute can be edited inline.

Uncategorized, workgroup, and default types: The prefix, connector, and attributes (except line type) can be edited inline.

When signal data (not attributes) are edited, the row displays in bold, and the Delete button changes to Reset.


Adds a new signal to the list; the new signal is saved in the user folder. Edit the line for the new entry; enter the signal name, select a prefix and connector from each list, enter the description, and then click Edit Class to set the attributes.

Edit Class

Opens the Edit Class(es) dialog box, to edit the attributes of the class assigned to the currently selected entry. See Eigenschappen van klassen bewerken.

Double-clicking signal attributes in a row also opens the Edit Class(es) dialog box.

Edit Preferences

Opens the Connector and Cable Preferences dialog box, to edit the connectors and cable types displayed for the selected signal.

Double-clicking signal data in a row also opens the Connector and Cable Preferences dialog box.

Items can be sorted by column.

Click in the Use column to include or to exclude the connector and the cable type. Including the connector and cable types for the signal displays those items with the preferred types near the top of the list of available connectors and cables for that signal type. List items display according to priority: uncategorized, preferred, custom, workgroup, and default.


Removes the selected custom entry from the list; changes to Reset when signal data are edited


Restores default settings; displays only when signal data are edited

Click the Connectors pane. For custom panels, define the default connector type that pairs with each cable connection. The list of available connectors displays according to priority (uncategorized, custom, workgroup, and default) and can be customized. Default items cannot be edited or deleted; however, you can create a duplicate entry in the list and customize it as required, and the custom duplicate is used instead.

Click to show/hide the parametersClick to show/hide the parameters.



Connector Types list

Lists the available connectors, descriptions, and default symbols that have been set for panel connectors.

Set a default symbol for a connector type by clicking in the Panel Connector Symbol column and selecting a symbol from the Resource Selector. The symbols available depend on the panel type.

Custom types can be edited inline.


Adds a new connector to the list; the new connector is saved in the user folder. Edit the line for the new entry; enter the connector name, description, and, optionally, symbol.


Removes the selected custom entry from the list

Click the Cable Types pane. The list of available cable types displays according to priority (uncategorized, custom, workgroup, and default) and can be customized. Default items cannot be edited or deleted; however, you can create a duplicate entry in the list and customize it as required, and the custom duplicate is used instead.

Click to show/hide the parametersClick to show/hide the parameters.



Cable Types list

List the available cable types, with description and cable outside diameter size.

Custom types can be edited inline.


Adds a new cable type to the list; the new type is saved in the user folder. Edit the line for the new entry; enter the cable type name, description, and diameter.


Removes the selected custom entry from the list

Click the Cables pane. You can create a list of custom cables for use by the Connect tool; select the Cable from the Object Info palette of a selected circuit. The cable name displays in the drawing, which is useful for identifying cables in a complex drawing. The list of cables displays according to priority (uncategorized, custom, workgroup, and default).

Click to show/hide the parametersClick to show/hide the parameters.



Cables list

Lists the available cables and description.

Custom types can be edited inline.


Adds a new cable to the list; the new cable is saved in the user folder. Edit the line for the new entry; enter the cable name and description.


Removes the selected custom entry from the list

Click the Cable Lengths pane. You can modify the list of default cable lengths for circuits; select the Cable Length from the Object Info palette of a selected circuit.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Cable Lengths list

Lists the available cable lengths.

Edit any entry inline.


Adds a new cable length to the list; the new cable length is saved in the user folder. Edit the line for the new entry inline by entering the desired new cable length.


Removes the selected entry from the list

Restore Defaults

Restores the default cable lengths

Voorkeuren Vectorworks: Categorie Bestandslocaties

Customizing ConnectCAD objects

Cable numbering rules

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