Creating standard viewports



Create Standard Viewports

FIle > Document Settings

If you're using stories, create them before you create standard viewports (see 3D-model opmaken met bouwlagen).

To create standard viewports:

Select the command.

The Create Standard Viewports dialog box opens. Select a drawing category from the Type of Drawing list. The available drawing types display in the Drawing Types list on the left, with a short description beneath. Select the viewport to be created in the Drawing Types list and then click Add to move it to the Viewports to Be Created list on the right.

For auxiliary view viewports (sections and elevations), types with a -Man suffix (such as Sections-Man) typically indicate that the elements of the section or elevation are to be drawn manually on, for instance, Mod-Section or Mod-Elevation layers, which are created along with the viewports. The visibility of all other layers is set to Invisible for these viewports. Types with a -VP suffix (such as Sections-VP) are for creating a view or a section viewport of the model from existing Mod- layers. No new layers are created and the visibility of all existing Mod- layers is set to Visible for these viewports.

Klik hier om de velden te tonen/te verbergen.Klik hier om de velden te tonen/te verbergen.



Type of Drawing

Lists the categories of viewport types

Drawing Types

Lists the available viewport types in the selected Type of Drawing category

Description of Drawing Type

Provides a description of the Type of Drawing category

Viewports to be Created

Lists the viewports that will be created, along with the specified scale, sheet border and sheet layer parameters

Add >

Adds the selected viewport types from the Drawing Types list to the Viewports to be Created list, including them in the drawing setup

< Remove

Removes the selected viewport from the Viewports to be Created list

<< Remove All

Removes all viewports from the Viewports to be Created list


Specifies the scale and sheet border parameter preferences when adding viewports to the Viewports to be Created list

Sheet Options

Create All Stories

For Floor Plan drawings, creates the selected viewport for each story; deselect to specify an individual story based on its Suffix instead


For Floor Plan, Auxiliary or Notation drawings, specify the individual story by its suffix to create the viewport

Use sheet border on selected sheet

Places the sheet border specified in Create Viewport Preferences on the sheet layer when the viewport is added to the drawing

Use Vectorworks uniform drawing numbering system

Uses the Vectorworks uniform sheet numbers and sheet type designators

Use automatic drawing coordination

Matches the sheet number and title to the title block

Viewport Options

Select a viewport from the Drawing Types list to set its parameters before adding it to the Viewports to be Created list. Alternatively, select a viewport in the Viewports to be Created list to set its options.

On Sheet Layer

Select a sheet layer where the viewport will be placed. A default sheet layer name is provided, but a different sheet layer can be selected. Alternatively, a new sheet layer name can be created, by selecting New Sheet Layer and providing the sheet layer name.

Viewport parameters

Sets the viewport scale, view, projection, perspective, and rendering as described in Creating a sheet layer viewport from a design layer

Create corresponding view for each viewport

For each viewport in the Viewports to be Created list, creates a corresponding view with the same name. It is useful during the design process to navigate among the different project views, where the proper layer and class visibilities have already been set.

Any sheet layers specified that do not already exist in the drawing are created along with the listed viewports (and views if the Create Corresponding View option is selected).

In a new drawing, the viewports display with a red X, indicating that they are currently empty. As the drawing is developed on the design layers, the viewports will display the contents appropriately. Depending on the rendering mode specified, some viewports may require updating with the Update Selected Viewports command.

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