ConnectCADCreating a rack contents worksheet


Workspace: Tool set

Make Rack Equipment Worksheet

Design Suite and Spotlight: ConnectCAD Layout

ConnectCAD: Layout

This tool creates a worksheet listing the equipment installed at each rack position on an equipment rack, and it places the worksheet where you click in the drawing. You can use this tool in design layers, sheet layers, and viewport annotations.

To create a rack contents worksheet:

Select the tool and then click in the drawing where you want the worksheet to be placed.

The Rack Equipment Columns dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Select Rack

Select the rack equipment for the worksheet


Lists the columns that are currently selected for inclusion in the worksheet, in the order in which they will appear. To change the order, click on the # column and drag the item to the desired position in the list.


Select which columns to include in the worksheet. A check mark in the Use column indicates that the column will be included.


Displays the column names that can be included in the worksheet

Select All Columns/
Deselect All Columns

Either select all of the columns, or deselect all of the columns

Select the worksheet columns and their display order.

The rack contents worksheet is created.


Concept: Rekenblad overzicht

Rekenbladen bewerken

Creating ConnectCAD reports

Placing equipment racks

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