ConnectCADCreating ConnectCAD reports

The report commands create a variety of worksheets for labeling and reporting purposes. These commands are located in the following workspaces and menus:

Design Suite: Entertainment > ConnectCAD Documentation

Spotlight: Spotlight > ConnectCAD Documentation

ConnectCAD: ConnectCAD > Documentation

The available commands come from the content in [Vectorworks]\Libraries\Defaults\Reports_Schedules\ConnectCAD\ConnectCAD Reports.vwx. To add report commands to the menu, copy the ConnectCAD Reports.vwx file to the corresponding user folder location and edit it; the changes apply when Vectorworks is restarted. Preformatted worksheet reports are also available in the Create Report dialog box (see Voorgedefinieerde rapporten gebruiken).

Device reports list jackfield and terminal panels individually, with the number of holes used. This is helpful when trying to optimize patch-panel and term-panel layouts.



All Layers Circuit Report

Creates a worksheet listing all circuit parameters from all layers

Cable Pull Report

Creates a worksheet listing the number and type of cables to be installed for each cable route. This information is especially useful for bulk cable installations.

ConnectCAD Parts Report

Creates a worksheet listing all the devices, equipment, adapters, racks, and rack frames. Unique device names and equipment names display only once.

Current Layer Circuit Report

Creates a worksheet listing all circuit parameters from the current layer

Current Layer Device Report

Creates a worksheet listing devices and summarizing devices and parameters from the current layer

Device Connections Report

Creates a worksheet listing the circuits connected to each socket on each device; this provides a quick way to find which cables connect to a given device

Additional helpful worksheets are in [Vectorworks]\Libraries\ConnectCAD\Samples. For example, SyncedDeviceEquipData.vwx lists devices and equipment items and summarizes items by device name; this is useful for editing the common attached records of the devices/equipment in a single step. Sample Worksheet.vwx lists the intermediate drop point IDs through which circuits pass; this helps when planning cable installations.

Once a worksheet has been created, two-way worksheet editing is useful for updating the drawing from the worksheet; see Objecten vanuit de recordrij bewerken.

For information about creating a worksheet listing the equipment installed on a 3D equipment rack, see Creating a rack contents worksheet.

For information about extracting information from a Vectorworks file and sharing the report with users through Vectorworks Cloud Services, see Sharing ConnectCAD reports.

Finding objects in a report



Find in Report

Context menu

This command locates drawing objects in a worksheet report. The worksheet needs to be open for the item to be found.

To find an object in a report:

Right-click on an object in the drawing and select the command.

In the worksheet, the object's row is selected.

Two-way worksheet editing is useful for updating the drawing from the worksheet; see Objecten vanuit de recordrij bewerken.

Concept: Rekenblad overzicht


Rekenbladen bewerken

Creating a rack contents worksheet

Een rapport creëren

Voorgedefinieerde rapporten gebruiken

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