Sharing ConnectCAD reports


Workspace: Path

Share Report

Design Suite: Entertainment > ConnectCAD Share

Spotlight: Spotlight > ConnectCAD Share

ConnectCAD: ConnectCAD > Share

When the design and its associated data and reporting paperwork are ready to share with clients, venues, installation managers, installers, commissioning and maintenance engineers, and others, use the Share Report command. The command uses Vectorworks Cloud Services for processing and sharing. See Vectorworks Cloud Services for more information.

This command:

Extracts information about devices, equipment items, sockets, and circuits from the saved Vectorworks file.

Uploads a report of the information to the Vectorworks Cloud Services web portal, and downloads the report to the Shared Reports folder:

Windows: C:\Users\<Username>\Vectorworks Cloud Services\Shared Reports

Mac: /Users/<Username>/Vectorworks Cloud Services/Shared Reports

The report name is the Vectorworks file name followed by the extension .connectCAD.

Emails a link accessing the report to the recipients that you specify. Using any web browser on any device (smart phone, tablet, computer, and so on), recipients display the report data, which they can navigate through, search, sort, and filter.

When a report is shared, you can:

Show the report status

Share report updates

Delete the report and notify recipients

Reshare the report for a drawing that was saved under a different file name

To share a report:

Save the Vectorworks file, and then select the command.

When prompted, log in to your Vectorworks account, if you are not already logged in.

The Share Report dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the settings.Click to show/hide the settings.



Send an email after uploading the report

Sends an email to the report sender when the report is uploaded


Specify the email addresses of report recipients


The default subject of the email


The default message to report recipients


The default report location and file name.

To change the location and/or file name, click the button at the end of Location to open the Select ConnectCAD report file location dialog box.

Link expires on

The date when recipients can no longer use the link to display the report

Allow comments

Enables recipients to leave comments about the report

Email me when link is visited

Sends an email to the report sender whenever the link is accessed

Unique visits

Displays the number of times the report has been accessed when it is shared


Copy the link and QR code that display the report when it is shared

Enter the email addresses of report recipients, and change the default settings as needed.

Click Share to send the shared link and message to the recipients.

The Share Report command displays in the menu before a report is shared. After a report is shared, the Show Shared Report Status command replaces the Share Report command (see Showing the status of a shared report).

Showing the status of a shared report


Workspace: Path

Show Shared Report Status

Design Suite: Entertainment > ConnectCAD Share

Spotlight: Spotlight > ConnectCAD Share

ConnectCAD: ConnectCAD > Share

To show the status of a shared report:

Select the command.

The Show Shared Report Status dialog box opens, showing the:

Name of the saved report

Date the report was last updated

Email addresses of the report recipients

Location of the report

Whether the link that accesses the report has an expiration date, or comments are allowed

Number of times the report has been accessed (Unique visits)

If needed:

Copy the link and QR code that display the shared report.

Email the report again.

Updating a shared report


Workspace: Path

Update Shared Report

Design Suite: Entertainment > ConnectCAD Share

Spotlight: Spotlight > ConnectCAD Share

ConnectCAD: ConnectCAD > Share

If you share a report and then change the Vectorworks file from which the report was extracted, this command shares the updated report. The previously shared report is overwritten.

To share the updated report:

Save the Vectorworks file, and then select the command.

The Update Shared Report dialog box opens. Except for Email me when link is visited, the dialog box displays the settings specified in the Share Report dialog box when the report was previously shared (see Sharing ConnectCAD reports).

If needed, change the settings. You can also copy the link and QR code that display the updated report when it is shared.

Deleting a shared report


Workspace: Path

Delete Shared Report

Design Suite: Entertainment > ConnectCAD Share

Spotlight: Spotlight > ConnectCAD Share

ConnectCAD: ConnectCAD > Share

To delete a shared report and notify recipients:

Select the command.

The Delete Shared Report dialog box opens.

If needed, change the email addresses, Subject, and Message. You may want to notify previous recipients that you are deleting the shared report.

If a command in the Share menu is selected after a report has been deleted from outside Vectorworks:

A dialog box with the command name opens stating that the report is no longer available.

The Vectorworks file is no longer shared.

Resharing a report


Workspace: Path

Reshare Report As

Design Suite: Entertainment > ConnectCAD Share

Spotlight: Spotlight > ConnectCAD Share

ConnectCAD: ConnectCAD > Share

If you share a report and then save the Vectorworks file under a different name, this command reshares the report. This is useful when a base drawing is created, and variations of that drawing are saved as different file names to serve different purposes.

To reshare a report:

Save the Vectorworks file, and then select the command.

The Share Report dialog box opens and displays the settings specified for the previously shared report (see Sharing ConnectCAD reports). If you reshare the same report more than once, a numeric suffix is appended to the report name (for example, -1), so the previously shared report is not overwritten. Each time you reshare the report, the numeric suffix increases by one.

If needed, change the settings. You can also copy the link and QR code that display the new report when it is shared.

Creating ConnectCAD reports

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