ConnectCADEditing devices, sockets, and adapters

Devices, sockets, and adapters are symbol definition resources, saved with the file or in the user folder and available from the Resource Manager. Vectorworks also provides default ConnectCAD resources with its libraries.

You can change the appearance of devices, sockets, and adapters. The ConnectCAD template contains sets of classes with names that clearly indicate their function. The classes can be edited to change the appearance, font style and color, etc., of various ConnectCAD objects for a customized look. The appearance of sockets and adapters can be customized if the default is not suitable.

See Customizing ConnectCAD objects for more information about customizing devices, sockets, and adapters.

You can also renumber devices and sockets if needed; see Renumbering ConnectCAD objects.

Editing devices

Device parameters can be edited from the Object Info palette; see Placing a basic device or device symbol for parameter information.

The Device tool can place a device that you have customized and saved as a symbol from the Object Info palette. The Device Builder tool automatically saves devices you create as a symbol definition and also to the device database. Devices can easily be copied and pasted in the file, quickly creating a schematic drawing ready to be connected with circuits.

Use the Resource Manager to edit device symbol definitions; see Symbooldefinities bewerken. Any of the parameters from the Object Info palette can be edited while in the editing mode of the symbol definition. In addition, you can add graphics such as an image of the device, change the size of the device, or add colors, gradients, or other attributes to the device’s appearance to easily identify it, and so on.

Add additional sockets to the device symbol definition if needed, or change the position of the sockets to prevent circuit cross-over in your drawings.

To adjust the height of a device, select the device and drag its resize handle at the bottom of the device.

Editing devices associated with equipment and rack frames

Devices can be associated with equipment items and rack frames with the same name. If a device has an associated equipment item or rack frame defined, the device's make, model, physical data, and location data come from the equipment item or rack frame.

The associated device can be edited.

To edit a device associated with an equipment item or a rack frame:

Select an equipment item or a rack frame.

Select Edit Schematic Device(s) from the Object Info palette (see Placing equipment and Placing a rack frame).

If the equipment item or rack frame has one associated device, the view navigates to display the device, which is automatically selected.

If the equipment item or rack frame has several associated devices on the same layer, all the devices display and they are automatically selected.

If the equipment item or rack frame has several associated devices on different layers, the Select Layer dialog box opens. Select the layer that contains the devices to edit.

Do one of the following:

Edit the parameter information from the Object Info palette.

Double-click on a device to open it in object editing mode (see De objectbewerkmodus), and edit the device.

Editing sockets

To edit a socket on a device:

Do one of the following:

Double-click on a socket.

Right-click on a socket and select Edit Socket from the context menu.

The Edit Socket dialog box opens.

Edit the socket parameters.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Enter the name that appears in various worksheets; socket names must be unique

Display Tag

Enter the name that displays on the drawing; this can be a shorter name to save space on the drawing


Select whether the socket is type is IN, IO, or OUT. This setting determines how the Connect tool draws circuits; for more information, see Creating circuits.


Select the type of audio, video, communication, networking, computer, phone, or provider signal; the list of available signals displays according to priority (uncategorized, custom, workgroup, and default). Select --- to indicate a passive socket, ??? for an unknown signal type, or $$$ for a proprietary signal type, which is specific to manufacturers.

The selected signal type displays below the list.

For information about display order and editing signals, see Specifying ConnectCAD settings.

Connector on Cable

Select the type of connection; the list of available connectors for the selected signal displays according to priority (uncategorized, preferred, custom, workgroup, and default). Select --- to indicate that there is no connector, or select ??? for an unknown type of connection.

The selected connection type displays below the list.

For information about display order and editing the connectors and cables associated with a signal, see Specifying ConnectCAD settings.

Delete (trash can)

Deletes the currently selected socket

Alternatively, select Modify > Edit Device to enter object editing mode (see De objectbewerkmodus) and edit the socket from the Object Info palette. Exit object editing mode to return to the drawing.

Editing adapters

To edit an adapter:

Do one of the following:

Double-click on an adapter.

Right-click on an adapter and select Edit from the context menu.

Select Modify > Edit Adapter.

The Edit Adapter dialog box opens.

Select whether to edit the existing instance only, or all instances and the adapter's symbol definition.

The adapter opens in object editing mode (see De objectbewerkmodus).

Edit the adapter's appearance and sockets as desired.

Exit object editing mode to return to the drawing.

If you edited one instance, the symbol definition is duplicated, and a number is appended to the symbol definition's name.

To create an adapter that is based on another adapter:

Select an adapter, and deselect Use symbol from the Object Info palette to unlink the adapter from the definition.

Edit the the adapter and, if desired, the socket parameters (see Editing sockets); then exit object editing mode to return to the drawing.

On the Object Info palette, specify the Make and Model of the new adapter, and, optionally, select Save as Symbol to add the adapter to the Resource Manager as a symbol definition (see Adapter parameters).

Placing devices

Connecting sockets

Renumbering ConnectCAD objects

Customizing ConnectCAD objects


Adding sockets and socket loops

Placing adapters

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